Morning Jolt: Biden Changes His Tune on COVID-Era Travel Bans

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On the menu today: Joe Biden's on-again, off-again opposition to COVID-related travel bans; why some things that were long-thought unthinkable are sometimes quite possible; and a faulty argument that will not die.

Apparently Travel Bans Are Okay Now

A lot of people in politics operate under the principle, "Any idea proposed by your side is wrong, reckless, and represents your warped values, while any idea proposed by my side is right, wise, and needed, regardless of whether they are the same idea."

On January 31, 2020, the Trump administration announced that foreign nationals who had traveled to China within the past two weeks would be barred from entering the U.S.

A lot of people would like you to think that there was unified, bipartisan support for this move, when actually there was nothing of the sort. In the preceding days before Trump made his decision, media voices at places such as Vox insisted that, "The evidence on travel bans for diseases like coronavirus is clear: They don't ...


Biden Changes His Tune on COVID-Era Travel Bans

On the menu today: Joe Biden's on-again, off-again opposition to COVID-related travel bans; why some things that were long-thought unthinkable are sometimes quite possible; and a faulty argument that will not die.

Apparently Travel Bans Are Okay Now

A lot of people in politics operate under the principle, "Any idea proposed by your side is wrong, reckless, and represents your warped values, while any idea proposed by my side is right, wise, and needed, regardless of whether they are the same idea."

On January 31, 2020, the Trump administration announced that foreign nationals who had traveled to China within the past two weeks would be barred from entering the U.S.

A lot of people would like you to think that there was unified, bipartisan support for this move, when actually there was nothing of the sort. In the preceding days before Trump made his decision, media voices at places such as Vox insisted that, "The evidence on travel bans for diseases like coronavirus is clear: They don't ...   READ MORE



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