Breaking: Trump Pardons 23 Pro-Life Advocates Prosecuted by Biden DOJ Under FACE Act

President Donald Trump has pardoned 23 pro-life individuals convicted by Joe Biden’s Department of Justice for praying inside or demonstrating at abortion clinics.

“Twenty-three people were prosecuted, they should not have been prosecuted. Many of them are elderly people — they should not have been prosecuted,” Trump said on Thursday. “This is a great honor to sign this.”

Peaceful pro-life protesters received lengthy sentences for demonstrating at abortion clinics during Biden’s time in office. The former president used the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) act to add felony conspiracy charges to what would have been minimal sentences. Many of the pro-lifers are no strangers to being put in jail for defending the lives of the unborn.

Joan Bell, for example, is a 76-year-old Catholic woman who was sentenced to two years in prison for demonstrating at an abortion clinic and for staging a rescue mission at the Washington Surgi-Clinic, which is run by Cesare Santangelo, who is notorious in pro-life circles for allegedly embracing late-term abortions. Santangelo has previously said that he “would not help” babies who were born alive. Multiple children who were recovered from the clinic’s medical waste boxes appear to have been murdered in late-term abortions.

Paulette Harlow, a 75-year-old grandmother, was also hit with felony charges for causing disturbance inside of an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. Harlow, who has diabetes and Hashimoto's disease, was sentenced to two years, and was on house arrest due to her poor medical condition before being pardoned this week.

“President Trump’s pardon today of pro-life activists unjustly imprisoned under President Biden is a great credit to his legacy,” said Tommy Valentine, the president of the pro-life organization CatholicVote. “We hope he will go a step further in undoing Biden’s unjust legacy by directing his Department of Justice to evenly enforce the FACE Act, for as long as it is on the books, against violent pro-abortion extremists who have been attacking pregnancy resource centers and churches for years.”

Others individuals pardoned by Trump include a group of pro-lifers who sang hymns and prayed in front of an abortion clinic in Nashville, Tenn. in 2021. They were given sentences of six months to three years for “unlawfully obstructing access to reproductive health services,” the DOJ said at the time.

Beverly Williams, a mother of a 2-year-old, and John Hinshaw, a grandfather whose two grandchildren were born while he was in jail, are two more individuals who were pardoned.

“When pro-lifers are unfairly targeted, and punished excessively, for their peaceful protests, then presidential pardons are a must,” pro-life organization Heartbeat International said in a statement on Friday. “We are grateful for President Trump's effort to right the wrongs of the activist Biden administration.”



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Trump Pardons 23 Pro-Life Advocates Prosecuted by Biden DOJ Under FACE Act

Peaceful pro-life protesters received lengthy sentences for demonstrating at abortion clinics during Biden’s ... READ MORE

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