This state senator wants to revive net neutrality in California


The Federal Communications Commission repealed net neutrality in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, which prohibited powerful telecoms from charging more for faster internet access. 

But 3,000 miles away, in California, State Senator Scott Wiener announced plans to buck the FCC's decision by introducing California's own net neutrality rulesIn a Medium post, Wiener said he will spend the next 60 days considering the best regulatory options and then introduce a law early next year. 

Like the FCC's two dissenting commissioners, protesters in every corner of the nation, rock stars, Pornhub, and legendary internet pioneers, Wiener believes net neutrality is essential for maintaining an open internet where internet service providers "treat websites equally" and don't "play favorites based on who pays more." Read more...

More about Internet, Net Neutrality, Federal Communications Commission, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

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