Last Day to submit your art for Spotlight Magazine

Hello Karl,

today is the last day to submit your artwork for publication in Spotlight Magazine.

About Spotlight Magazine
Published since 2017, Spotlight is an invitation-only, digital and printed art magazine. Each new issue includes about 85 artists working in a variety of media. We focus on telling the story of what art looks like today, by investigating different perspectives and styles. Our magazine is very well received, with each issue having a projected readership of over 75,000 readers. The digital magazine is published on our website and Issuu, where we have about 1 million reads. The printed magazine can be ordered directly from our website (available in two sizes in high-quality print.)

This is the right opportunity for you if you are seeking to expand your network, get a new audience, and be discovered by galleries/curators. Art collectors and professionals look at each new issue of Spotlight Magazine to find new artists.

See the latest issue here:

Publication Details

Publication Cost - 189 EURO for 1 page.
The participation form will remain active until Sunday night.

Release date: April/May 2024

Each page in the magazine includes 1 large image of work, details about the work and a short artist statement. The magazine has a well-researched, image-centric design which provides an elegant frame for the artwork. Published artists will have the chance to add the entire pdf on their personal website or share it via email. The print magazine is available for direct order.

Full details on publication, design, distribution etc:

Get Pages in the Magazine

If you have read all the details and you decided that this is the right project for you, please prepare 6 high-quality images as well as your short artist statement and use the form below to submit your publication material. We publish 1 image per page but we ask you to submit a few more works so that we have enough material to work with on your presentation.

After you have successfully submitted the form you will receive a confirmation email. We will be in direct contact with you during production to ensure that we have the material we need for your presentation in
Spotlight Magazine.

Wishes for a creative rest of the day,
Anna from CIRCLE


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