Breaking: The Right Makes Gains in EU Elections, Germany and France Reckon with Political Realignment

Early projections of the EU-election results show that the continent’s right-wing parties have made significant advances as voters signal their dissatisfaction with illegal immigration and inflation. Formerly powerful left-wing parties seem to have been routed, while centrists stayed the course.

This antiestablishment sentiment was expressed most strongly in Germany and France, two of the European bloc’s most powerful countries.

The French results prompted President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the French parliament in preparation for snap elections on June 30 and July 7, as his party lost badly to Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, which is part of the Identity and Democracy coalition in the European Parliament.

Before crowds in Paris, Le Pen responded to Macron’s announcement: “This historic vote shows that when people vote, people win. . . . We are ready to exercise power, to end mass migration, to prioritize purchasing power, ready to make France live again.”

In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his Social Democrats were trounced by a combination of support for the right-wing CDU/CSU and Alternative for Germany (AfD). The left-wing Social Democratic Party (14.6 percent) and the Greens (12 percent) underperformed. Katarina Barley, speaking for the Social Democrats, called it “a bitter evening.” “I am very disappointed.” The AfD, having won 14 percent as of this reporting, is intent on carrying its EU wins to the national elections in October 2025.

Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni was the only leader of a European power to see success, with the right-wing politician’s allied faction, European Conservatives and Reformists, placing first in Italy.

In Spain, the conservative People’s Party took 34.2 percent of the vote, a rejection of socialist prime minister Pedro Sánchez and his Socialist Workers’ Party, which received 30.2 percent. Two other right-wing parties, Vox and Se Acabó La Fiesta (The Party’s Over), received another 14.2 percent between them.

The Greens ceded more ground than any other party in the EU, losing more than a quarter of their seats. Speaking for the party, Belgian member of the European Parliament Philippe Lamberts bemoaned what might be lost in terms of climate action and warned the other parties from “embracing the flavor of the far right.”

Despite some movement toward the right after Sunday’s elections, the EU’s center, the transnational European People’s Party, remains the locus of power for the foreseeable future.

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The Right Makes Gains in EU Elections, Germany and France Reckon with Political Realignment

Germany and France, especially, saw an ascendant right, with Macron dissolving parliament and calling for ... READ MORE


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