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The Art and Craft of Lomography
Lomographer Lydia Lutz is not only an analogue photographer but also a dedicated conservator of photographic materials. With her roots firmly planted in 120 film photography, she describes it as her "daily driver," appreciating its versatility for nurturing her creativity. Recently, Lydia took our 120 films – including LomoChrome Purple, Lomography Color Negative ISO 400 and Berlin Kino B&W 400 – for a spin in her local area. In our interview, she delves into her deep-seated love for medium format and shares how she incorporates our 10 Golden Rules to stoke her experimentation.
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"Use Lomography's 10 Golden Rules to help take the pressure off creating. Like I said about my own work, don't strive for 'good' photos every time. Shoot 'bad' photos! Shoot for fun! Experiment with different ISOs! This process really helps with finding your own style."
—Lydia Lutz
Leave Reality Behind
Film grants us the remarkable opportunity to transform our surroundings into art, particularly when using a color-shifting film like our mesmerizing LomoChrome Turquoise ISO 100–400. Equipped with a few rolls in 120 and 35 mm formats, photographer Kurtis Ehnle traveled to Cancún, Mexico, capturing some captivating images that blur the lines between reality and fantasy. Intrigued by his work, we caught up with Kurtis to delve deeper into his inspirations and creative process!
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"I found that elements like water really respond in fun ways […] I also found that it was fun to play with brightly colored buildings and architecture."
—Kurtis Ehnle
Multiple Metropolis
How can you capture a world in motion through a still frame? This may sound puzzling but photographer Aitor Estévez has a clever answer! Shooting on our LomoChrome Metropolis 120 ISO 100–400 film, Aitor pushed the multiple exposure technique to its limits, cleverly capturing an immaterial city with a surreal sense of motion.
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"I usually work photographing buildings from different points of view to provoke an effect of fragmentation and movement."
—Aitor Estévez
We'd like to thank the following people for their photos: Lydia Lutz, Kurtis Ehnle & Aitor Estévez.
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Lomography International: Kaiserstraße 34/12, 1070 Vienna, Austria, +43-1-899-440
Lomography USA: 68 Jay Street, Suite 415, Brooklyn, NY 11201, +1-718-422-7581
Lomography Asia Pacific: Flat B2, 6/F, Block B, Yee Lim Industrial Centre, No. 2-28 Kwai Lok Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, +852-2525-5417
Despite the fact that the content of this newsletter was compiled with due care we accept no warranty for the correctness, completeness and actuality of the content provided. Availability of the products featured in this newsletter may vary depending on location.


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