Breaking: Trans Double Murderer Moved Back to Men’s Prison Due to ‘Safety Concerns’ 

A transgender-identifying male felon with a violent criminal past has been moved out of a Washington State women's prison and placed in a men's facility after he was caught in a prohibited sexual encounter with a female inmate.

The Department of Corrections took Bryan Kim, who goes by Amber FayeFox Kim, out of the Washington Corrections Center for Women, colloquially called "Purdy," and placed him in the Monroe Correctional Facility. Kim's removal came after National Review reported on a March incident in which a Purdy corrections officer discovered him having sexual intercourse with 25-year-old Sincer-A Marie Nerton.

"The reason for Kim's transfer was due to ongoing safety concerns," the DOC told National Review.

Kim was found guilty in 2008 of two counts of aggravated first-degree murder in the stabbing of his father, Richard Kim, and the bludgeoning and strangulation of his mother, Terri Kim, the Spokesman-Review reported. Kim killed his parents at their Mount Spokane home on December 5, 2006, as they returned from work. After attempting to clean up the murder scene and hide his parents' bodies in an outbuilding, Kim went shopping the next day, using his father's debit card to withdraw $1,000 from his parents' account. For his crimes, Kim was sentenced to life in prison. 

On March 14, in the Medium-security unit of Purdy, a prison guard peered into a cell during a routine check and saw Kim "laying on the floor completely nude from the waist down with their cellmate Nerton Sincer-A on top of them also nude from the waist down actively having sex," the incident report obtained by National Review reads. 

"This is against MSU rules and policy," the report continues. "WAC-504-Engaging in a sex act with another person within the facility that is not otherwise included in these rules, except in an approved extended family visit."

The guard immediately treated the situation like a crime scene under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), a federal law enacted in 2003 that governs how prisons investigate sexual abuse and sexual harassment, National Review learned. Both Kim and Nerton were brought to a closed custody unit after the incident. Nerton was released back to the regular unit shortly thereafter, while Kim was kept segregated, according to a source familiar with the situation. The incident was counted as an 504 infraction of engaging in a sex act with another person, a violation of DOC policies, with a hearing expected to follow.

"Technically, there is no consensual sex between the incarcerated," a Washington Department of Corrections (DOC) employee, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution, told National Review

However, "Washington has been mitigating the sanctions on offenders involved," he said. "If both offenders call it consensual, then they seem to be getting into less trouble."

The Washington DOC claims that consensual, non-coerced sexual activity between individuals under its jurisdiction does not violate PREA.

A female inmate at Purdy who chose to remain anonymous said that the National Review exposé "definitely played a really big role for the simple fact that it brought a lot of negative publicity to the facility, and it was very well known."

Earlier in June, Kim's counselor told him that prison officials had recommended he be transferred out of the women's prison. He protested angrily, the female inmate said. A person from the Purdy clinic told the female inmate that Kim was screaming, crying, and begging them not to send him back to the men's prison. 

"He was so hysterical about the situation that they had to restrain him," she said.  They had to "put handcuffs on, and pretty much drag them to the transport to take them back."

Kim made it sound like he "gave into one moment of temptation" and made it seem like he was prodded for sex from Nerton many times before he agreed," the female inmate said.  

Kim has warned he will sue the DOC for discrimination and the media for defamation of character, she said. The offender is believed to be on his eleventh day of a hunger strike at Monroe, according to an online blog attributed to "Amber Fayefox Kim." Trans activists have been flooding the email inbox of Washington DOC secretary Cheryl Strange to condemn the move, the post said. 

"Cis women get caught having sex all the time and nothing happens. Maybe they get moved to a different cell or pod," Kim told the Huffington Post. "I just want to be treated the same as every other woman here," he said, noting his previously clean disciplinary record during her three and a half years in the women's prison. 

While there are ten men's prisons in Washington State, there are only two women's prisons. Besides Purdy, there's Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women, which houses minimum-custody female offenders who are not considered dangerous or likely to escape. 

DOC policy allows for individual housing placements to be reviewed on a regular basis. 

"Individuals placed in a gender-affirming facility may be transferred to another facility or returned to the originally assigned facility due to documented, objective safety and security concerns," DOC policy reads. 

The female inmate said she and her friends inside hope that the DOC takes the same action against other male offenders who are disturbing the female population and making them uncomfortable and intimidated in their home. Many incarcerated women, vulnerable and battered from past experiences, need a stable environment for rehabilitation, not to have more chaos introduced, she said. 

"So it's like less of a risk for people here . . . that aren't in the healed mind frame to really think like, 'Is this a good decision?," she said. Some women are "more susceptible, still maybe have the mind frame of when they were in the community using, and you're not necessarily making great decisions for yourself yet."

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Trans Double Murderer Moved Back to Men's Prison Due to 'Safety Concerns' 

The male inmate was removed from the women’s prison after NR reported that he had been caught having sex ... READ MORE


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